The Loan MarketPlace website presentation is for informational purposes only. By accepting this information, the recipient agrees that it will use the information only to evaluate its potential interest in the strategies and opportunities described herein and for no other purpose. This presentation does not constitute a commitment to lend money, underwrite any proposed transaction, purchase securities or other assets, provide financing, arrange financing, or provide any other services. The Loan MarketPlace, LLC and its representatives and affiliates make no representation and have given you no advice concerning the appropriate regulatory treatment, accounting treatment, or possible tax consequences of the proposed transactions described herein. Prior to entering any proposed transaction, you should determine, without reliance upon The Loan MarketPlace, LLC or its representatives or affiliates, the economic risks and merits, as well as the legal, tax and accounting characteristics and consequences, of the transaction and that you are able to assume these risks. These materials should not be relied upon for the maintenance of your books and records or for any tax, accounting, legal or other purposes.
All materials, including proposed terms and conditions, are indicative and for discussion purposes only. Finalized terms and conditions are subject to further discussion and negotiation and will be evidenced by a formal written agreement. Except as required by applicable law, we make no representation or warranty, express or implied, to you or to any person as to the content of the information contained herein. Opinions expressed herein are current opinions only as of the date indicated. Any historical price(s) or value(s) are also only as of the date indicated. We are under no obligation to update opinions or other information.